Pick a Harvest Share size, select a pick-up location, register your account, and input your payment credentials.
Set your preferences - this is the first layer of customization. If you rate something as low as possible, it will never show up in your box! If you rate something as high as possible, it will show up, well, as much as possible. Don't worry - you can change your preferences at any time, plus you'll have a chance to further customize each week (swap things out, add things, skip your share, change your pick up location, etc.
Wait for an email the last week in April with your hypothetical share contents and link to further customize!
Going on vacation? Ate out too much last week and need a week to catch up on your veggie eating and clean out your fridge? No problem! You can skip the week and will not be charged.
You will enter your payment credentials when you create your account. After this, you will be automatically billed weekly at each Harvest Share customization deadline. You pay per Harvest Share delivery, so you are able to skip weeks easily.
Our goal is to provide as many in our community as possible with healthy, fresh, local, organic veggies. But the reality is, this can be out of reach for some folks. So we subsidize several (as many as possible) low-income shares each year. But we need your help! If you can afford to help, a simple one time extra $21 "Low Income Support Share" can go a long way toward helping us feed our whole community. It's just $21. Just one time. Your community and your farmers thank you! This is located in our store under "gifts".
We grow about 90% of the crops in your box, but we just don't do it all and so we've developed relationships with some other local growers to produce things we don't grow such as mushrooms, sweet potatoes, late potatoes, and beets, and to fill in whenever we have a crop failure or quality problem. Not all of these growers are certified organic but we know each of them personally and trust their growing methods to be of the same standard. Your customization email will tell you who grew anything we didn't grow and whether it's not certified organic so you always have the option to opt out of those products.